
recent notable discoveries...

1. astrology-so neat. i believe our personalities are influenced by the way we were raised, what culture we've grown up in, etc. but astrology is really fascinating. when i actually dug into a couple astrology books in the new age section at Barnes and Noble the other day, I found them to be pretty damn accurate about me. crazy. kind of creepy, but super interesting.

2. arrested development--already mentioned this one, but seriously. love it.

3.pandora.com--you just set up a free account, type in your favorite bands or songs, and in doing so, you create your own radio stations that automatically stream songs from similar bands. awesome.

4. coffee (iced americanos to be exact)--to the max! i've always had a tiny bit of an addiction to it, but it's reached an all-time high. i'm up to four shots of espresso (at least) a day. oh boy, i'm in trouble.

5. Jonsi Birgisson's (of Sigur Ros) side project with his boyfriend Alex Somers. It's a picture book called "Rice Boy Sleeps" and i absolutely love the art in it. i haven't bought it yet, but i suppose it will be worth it. i feel really in tune with what is visually and aurally inspiring to me right now in my life. and this is definitely a beautiful and inspiring little booklet. [www.riceboysleeps.com]

I had this conversation the other day with one of my closest friends. It made me realize that i'm in this place in my life right now where i'm searching and discovering and making my beliefs, opinions, and interests my own. i mean, i guess we're always all going through this sort of thing if we're actually living our lives, but i feel like my senses are heightened to it all-beauty, terror and all the little things. God is really present in this world. i have phases of doubt, but it only enhances the experience when i am reminded again of His power and His beautiful love. i get caught up in figuring it all out too often, but i'm learning to be at peace with not having all the answers. 


  1. Anonymous11.7.08

    Astrology. Hmm. While I want to believe something like that is valid, I have a difficult time. However, the romantic, star-crossed lovers side of me wants to think that there is some legitimacy to it.

    I've been a fan of Pandora.com for some time now. Read about it in GQ once.

    I actually also had a conversation about God tonight with some friends here. Our thoughts were a little...different...but to each his own, if you ask me.

  2. Anonymous18.7.08

    You are one amazing blogger.

    Always grateful to be your friend...love you!
