
i feel a little lost today...

...so lost that i don't feel like using caps AT ALL (haha irony). i'm struggling to use puncuation. & by lost i mean i feel purpose-less and dysfunctional and totally non-productive, hence me typing a blog (confession: i periodically forget that i even have one & then suddenly remember it in times of desperate procrastinatio
n). speaking of lost...tonight is LOST's 100th episode! congratulations guys! i'm sorry i can't be there to partake, but i've actually lost count at this point of 
how many episodes i've missed this season. oops. 

so they just changed the music at portland brew from radiohead to some country rockabilly crap. ew. i was really feelin the radiohead. thanks portland brew people. 

i got a twitter account and love it. love it. love it. you don't have a twitter account, you say? well i say in response that you should either go live with the amish or catch up to the times. (confession: i didn't jump on the twitter bandwagon until a week ago.)

my grandmother got a facebook.

i rode my bike today and almost DIED. no a car didn't hit me and i didn't crash into a trash can or mailbox. i'm just THAT out of shape. neato.

i want to get donuts and coffee or a taco or burger and fries with lorelai and rory. they are my heroes right now. 

besides one melissa carter who is traveling the country for The Rescue. these people are so amazing for their passion and dedication. 

we have a dog, temporarily (or maybe forever...*fingers crossed*) until it's owner claims it. we've named her lucy for today, although her name is still a hot topic to be debated further. i'll let you know...

welp. it's movie-renting time. (someone PLEASE remind me to stop spending money at blockbuster and various coffee shops)

peace out, homies.

PS--if anyone wants to buy me a bonnaroo ticket, let me know! the closer june 11 comes, the sadder inside i get that i will not be attending. t
his photo captures what i'm missing out on (minus the drugs, of course) 


ohhh sigur ros...

i love them for this. it's sigur ros's drummer orri and his wife lukka. 

i don't feel like typing what they're doing so if you're interested go read about it here: sigur-ros.co.uk

and some quotes that may or may not have anything to do with each other or anything relevant to my life except that they intrigue me and/or make me laugh...

"whatever you do don't tell the maid. they tell their children and then their children grow up and rob you."

"oh what's that lucy? a football for me to kick?"

"but let the mind beware that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious."

"if you're going to run, then run like hell."

"i'm a happy freakin computer"

note to self: listen to fanfarlo
look at jan saudek's photographs
buy the riceboy sleeps album (jul 20th!)
watch amelie and good will hunting
get a membership at the public library

until next time, stay classy nashville. over & out. 


it's heeeeeere

No blog post could ever, ever be worthy of my excitement. I have successfully purchased 3 tickets to a screening of "How To Be" at the Nashville Film Festival for me and my filmmaking buddies! What the crap? I'm seriously bursting at the seams to see this movie and now I'm going to! Just had to share. Now I've got to come up with some seriously legit questions to ask the director and actors who will also be in attendance. EEK! I CANNOT wait.